When it comes to vehicle repairs and servicing, car owners often settle for quick fixes that only address the immediate problem, neglecting the vehicle’s long-term health. This can result in escalating issues that could lead to more severe mechanical issues, compromising the safety of your vehicle and those of others on the road.
At AWP, we understand the intricacies of vehicle repairs, ensuring your car is road-ready.
We offer various servicing options which can be adjusted to customer request to suit the needs and budget.
Basic Service – A basic service consists of replacing the engine oil and oil filter, topping up sundries brake fluid, washer fluid, along with a basic vehicle inspection, i.e., tyre condition, braking system overall condition, general observation of any worn or damaged components visually.
Logbook Service – A logbook service is based on the manufacturer’s recommendations at any given milestone in the vehicle’s lifespan. This can be based on vehicle age or travelled kilometres. While it can generally be the more expensive of the two options, it would also be the more intricate service. The Logbook service includes all elements of the basic service and the further recommendations of the manufacturer.
Is your car due for a repair or service?
Contact us today.